4,127 visits total | 7 visits today

August 31, 2004

2004.08.31 End of the Month...

Originally posted: 2004.05.20 X-Play's Segment on E3

Witness as to why you should piss off female gamers, especially our Lady Webb...

Nothing new to report as the staff of X-Play are still getting their crap together in Los Angeles. So, here are my webstats for the month of August 2004 ... Top 10 search strings that has brought users to this website.

Rank #2 in Google Search

( more... )

Posted by John Highway at 11:10 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack

2004.08.31 Answer to the Poll...

Question: Speed of light in free space is c=3x10^8 m/s. Find the time (in secs) for the light to travel 1 m.

Answer: 3.3x10^-9 secs

7 answered that question correct.

Here's the proof...

( more... )

Posted by John Highway at 07:52 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

2004.08.31 New Co-Host to The Screen Savers

In case some of you haven't heard, they've selected a new co-host for the Screen Savers, Alex Albrecht.

In other news, G4TechTV Hyperactive will be starting up again. Starting September 6th, 2004, daily will be awarded and point leaders will be randomly chosen to win an Apple Mini iPod.

Watch episodes of X-Play (11:00PM EST) and Unscrewed (11:30PM EST) and play Hyperactive to earn points.

Posted by John Highway at 03:12 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

August 30, 2004

2004.08.30 They're on the move to Los Angeles

With the X-Play staff moving to Los Angeles, California -- there's going to be lots of repeats *cough* *cough* retro episodes.

( more... )

Posted by John Highway at 11:04 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack

August 29, 2004

2004.08.29 G4TechTV Princess Decided...

After a fierce competition, you've all decided that Tina Wood would be crowned the 'Princess' Host of G4TechTV. Out of the 539 votes, 159 voted for Tina Wood, Laura Swisher came in a close 2nd place, gathering a total of 109 votes.

( more... )

Posted by John Highway at 11:00 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 27, 2004

2004.08.27 Da-da-da-da d-da! Boobie Power!

Someone on another webservice said this and I found it very funny...

power to the b00bies

I don't know how offensive something like this would be if women saw it attached to a bumper sticker. What do you think? As I said, when I heard it said by another woman, I found it hilarious.

Posted by John Highway at 05:50 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

August 26, 2004

2004.08.26 More Notoriety for our Lady Webb

Chicago Tribune | `X-Play' brings TV network for gamers into the big time
(requires registration to website)

I want to thank BnB for e-mailing me this clip directly. Apparently, Eric Gwinn at the Chicago Tribune has also picked up the information that our Lady Webb will, and already has, done a spread for FHM (For Him Magazine). My question is, did he get this information from a credible source or from the buzz that's floating around websites like this?

Anyways, check your local magazine retailer store for the issue. When it comes out, I will make it available to be read online here.

I want to thank Eric Gwinn at the Chicago Tribune for posting this piece.

( more... )

Posted by John Highway at 12:32 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack

August 25, 2004

2004.08.25 You Sickos! *smile*

Since the transfer of I <3 Morgan Webb to a different host back in February 2004, this site, on its new host, has seen about 274,789,145 KB of data transfer, 250,556 visits, 2,017,805 pages, 8,230,345 files and 10,288,499 hits.

Here are the Top 10 Search Strings that has brought users to this website:

# 1   14,819 74.93% morgan webb 
# 2      508  2.57% morgan webb pics 
# 3      398  2.01% morgan webb nude 
# 4      349  1.76% japanese porn
# 5      133  0.67% morgan webb maxim 
# 6      128  0.65% %22morgan webb%22 
# 7      107  0.54% i heart morgan webb 
# 8       83  0.42% morgan webb pictures 
# 9       71  0.36% iheartmorganwebb 
#10       66  0.33% morgan webb fake 

Posted by John Highway at 03:22 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

August 24, 2004

2004.08.24 Good Bye San Francisco...

Tonight's episode was the last episode to be taped from the San Francisco studios as the cast and some of the crew pack up the stuff and move to Los Angeles -- to their new home.

Here are some of Morgan at the Monster Truch Rally Show...

Memories... screen captures from the old episodes...

Posted by John Highway at 11:10 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 23, 2004

2004.08.23 Her Name in Sequin ...

Spider-Man 2 PS2, XBox & GCN 3 out of 5 stars
Blitzkrieg: Burning Horizon PC 3 out of 5 stars
McFarlane's Evil Prophecy PS2 1 out of 5 stars

I can't say I'm totally surprised with how much Morgan and Adam hated the game -- with how much they were dissatisfied with Spawn. Todd McFarlane should go back to drawing comic books. Sheesh, I still have 15 copies of his original Spider-Man #1 Gold Cover, 15 of the silver and 15 of the regular, 2 sealed, and 1 signed ... I don't know if I have any of the 'purple'.

So, what do you all think of Morgan's outfit for tonight's episode? Personally, I think she's looked kinda of cute with her name sequin'd. Within the next week, I should have the member paid site operational and ready to go. What will be available for paying members?

  • View Streaming and Download Entire Episodes

  • Directly download the entire screen captures for the episode

  • (Bandwidth will cost money to maintain)

  • Have your own @iheartmorganwebb.com e-mail alias

  • Free T-Shirt offer for those purchasing extended memberships

  • No banners/pop-up ads displayed while within the members page

Those are some of the stuff being offered... more features will be made available to both 'free' access and 'paying' access.

In the meantime, check out tonight's screen captures:

Posted by John Highway at 11:16 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack

2004.08.23 An Email from Morgan ...

An e-mail from Morgan!

Sorry for misleading you all, but I thought it would be funny.

Posted by John Highway at 09:39 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

August 22, 2004

2004.08.22 The "Who's the hottest G4TechTV Host?" Poll is closed.

With no surprise, of the 794 votes collected, 631 voted for Morgan Webb as the Hottest G4TechTV Host.

Here is the breakdown in no particular order other than alphabetical with the first name.

Diane Mizota (Filter) Diane Mizota (Filter) 3.40%
Julia Reed (RobotWars) Julia Reed (RobotWars) 0.13%
Julie Stoffer (the Electric Playground) Julie Stoffer (the Electric Playground) 0.50%
Kate Russell (Gamer.tv) Kate Russell (Gamer.tv) 0.25%
Laura Foy (G4TV.com) Laura Foy (G4TV.com) 2.77%
Laura Swisher (Unscrewed) Laura Swisher (Unscrewed) 4.03%
Morgan Webb (XPlay) Morgan Webb (XPlay) 79.47%
Rachel Brady (Gamer.tv) Rachel Brady (Gamer.tv) 0.25%
Ronilyn Reilly (Pulse) Ronilyn Reilly (Pulse) 2.27%
Stacee Barcelata (Arena) Stacee Barcelata (Arena) 0.38%
Stephanie Siemiller (Fresh Gear) Stephanie Siemiller (Fresh Gear) 1.76%
Tina Wood (G4TV.com) Tina Wood (G4TV.com) 4.79%

So, now that Morgan Webb has been dubbed 'Queen', it's now time to choose a 'Princess' to which will be the second runner up. The poll will have everyone except Morgan Webb, so vote who you believe is the next hottest female G4TechTV host.

Posted by John Highway at 01:48 PM | Comments (6) | TrackBack

August 21, 2004

2004.08.21 Sarah Lane Speaks...

When asked in an e-mail to Sarah Lane:

Hey Sarah,

It's great to see that you've got your webcam up and running again. Missed seeing yah and with the repeats playing on G4TechTV, how long before the first new episode air with the new location?

Who sent you those roses? Kevin?

She replied with:

Yep, roses from a Rose.
New premiere airs September 7th!

So there you have it folks, the official 'premiere' of the first Screen Savers episode -- check your local listing for exact time.

Posted by John Highway at 03:47 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

August 20, 2004

2004.08.20 Hot Shots Golf Fore! & Front Mission 4 Available

Just wanted to mention that both Hot Shots Golf Fore! and Front Mission 4 are now available for sale.

Posted by John Highway at 08:13 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 19, 2004

2004.08.19 Game-Performance Enhancing Substances

With this retro-episode where it had a special segment which talked about "Performance Enhancing Substances" and I don't mean illegal substances. Yeah, I'm talking about caffeinated drinks, sugar-loaded snacks and others. Is it really as bad as the show made it sound.

Any of you 'power' gamers out there, have you tried it and does it really help you game better?

Posted by John Highway at 11:04 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 18, 2004

2004.08.18 Go Bears!

Some mentionings of Silent Hill 3: 2003.10.29 X-Play (Halloween Special)

I had this set all done up but then I had to erase it because it didn't look right and had to re-do the entire episode capture again.

Oh well.

Posted by John Highway at 11:12 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

2004.08.18 For "all the '3 Fans' of Morgan Webb" -- Laura Foy Quoted

It would appear that the folks on the show, G4TV.com, made real to the claim that Morgan Webb was going to be on the show -- there she was, sitting across from Tina Wood. If you missed this week's episode of G4TV.com -- check your local listings for re-broadcasting of the same episode in later days. You should having another chance or two to catch it, so set your (V|D)VRs.

G4TV.com: Laura FoyG4TV.com: Tina Wood

GLOG: Gorgeous Ladies Of Gaming was the episode name and wow, 'a show where three "babes" are willing to play with you.' This was the line said by Laura Foy ... oh how true it is.

Oh, for those that haven't noticed, Sarah Lane, has gotten her webcam back up (aka The SarahCam) and is current showing pictures of the new offices. Check it out -- it's on the top left corner of this site's main webpage. You don't have to refresh the page to get new images, the image (only the image) refreshes every 15 seconds.

Goodnight everybody!

Goodnight, Everyone!

Posted by John Highway at 10:52 PM | Comments (9) | TrackBack

August 17, 2004

2004.08.17 I Once Caught Morgan, Life is Good...

o/~ We're the good ol' boys... Never meanin' no harm. Beats all the other sites, been in trouble with the law, since the day this site went online. o/~

Okay, actually, this site has never been in trouble with the law so far. No one's sent me a certified letter asking me to ceast and desist -- so I guess I'll keep going.

Shadow Ops: Red Mercury XBox & PC 3 out of 5 stars
Sabre Wulf GBA 3 out of 5 stars
Trigger Man PS2 & XBox & GCN **Preview**

No doubt that it's not hard to figure out the show tune of today's opening segment. Hey, who here have a picture of him/her with our Lady Webb? Send them to me and I'll post them up on this website in the 'extras' section. Anyone try out the word search game? Yeah, yeah... a '1' (cause it can't go any lower) out of '5'.

Posted by John Highway at 11:03 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 16, 2004

2004.08.16 It's Time for MorganManiacs!

o/~ it's time for MorganManiacs... and we're crazy to the max...
so, just sit right and relax... we'll watch till we collapse.
We're MorganManiacs! o/~

Showdown: Legends of Wrestling PS2 & XBox 2 out of 5 stars
Mario Golf Advance Tour GBA 4 out of 5 stars
Ashen N-Gage 3 out of 5 stars

Ah, the good ol' days of WWF when the Hulkster was the good guy, the British Bull Dogs were a pair and Sargeant Slaughter was on G.I. Joe.

From: Lunch Box
I attended this year's E3 and saw you guys filming. It was awesome. I was curious what you guys thought of X-Men Legends, Punisher, and Sega's "Big" announcement?

Response: Matrix Online --- not so big.

Don't suppose any here young enough to know what song those lyrics were based on?

Posted by John Highway at 11:13 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

August 13, 2004

2004.08.13 Morgan the Vampire Slayer...

I do believe this episode air'd before this site came online cause I personally can't find any entries related to this episode.

Oh well.

In unrelated news, I was approached by a fellow Morgan Webb fan [b***n@g*******y.com] (not approached as 'in person', but rather through e-mail) and he informed me that Morgan Webb recently did a photo shoot with FHM Magazine for a 8-page layout. Now, whether or not this is true or not -- I'll keep you apprised as I continue my search. There has been no mention as to when the issue will feature our Lady Webb.

If anyone has more information to support this, please comment.

Posted by John Highway at 11:20 PM | Comments (8) | TrackBack

August 12, 2004

2004.08.12 Viewtiful Morgan

Posted by John Highway at 11:16 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 11, 2004

2004.08.11 Kirby vs Billy Hatcher -- Who would win? Who would care?

Originally Posted: 2003.11.17 X-Play (Kirby, Billy Hatcher, etc.)

Evidently, Cat Schwartz will be attending QuakeCon 2k4 ... anyone else, who visits this site, going to QuakeCon? Fess up, now. Let me just say, bastards! *okay, got that off my chest*

QuakeCon 2004

Okay, confession time... I've found myself watching G4TV.com ... but only because Adam Sessler was on the show that I had happened to catch while flipping through the channels. Now, during the showing, Morgan calls asking what Adam was doing on the show. Adam played dumb and, of course, all the attention then turned towards "when they can get Morgan on the show." You can see where Adam stands in popularity. Dems women (Tina Wood and Laura Foy) are smart, they know who to bring on the show to get people to watch. So now, Morgan Webb might also be on next week's show. Check your local listings for and day and time.

I've added the show to my 'line-up' of shows to record on my DVR... whether or not I'm going to watch it for its contents, that's still up in the air.

Looking at this retro episode of X-Play and seeing her on the newer episodes, I have to admit, I really like Morgan with the red hair -- nothing wrong with her having the black hair she has now, but the red hair looks better on her. That's my opinion. Check out the screen captures and you decide for yourself.

And if you're into Billy Hatcher:

Posted by John Highway at 11:12 PM | Comments (10) | TrackBack

August 10, 2004

2004.08.10 Must See TV ... it's Morgan Webb

As you can probably all figure, the site's been going through a couple of changes to help organize things and provide additional services to those who frequent this site. So, if you find broken links, please email them to [email protected].

Tonight's episode pretty much had the 'four' theme going -- four games, a fourth installment to Mission Front and a golf game with the word 'fore'. Speaking of tonight's episode... was it just me or did someone forget to loading background track during the taping/airing... cause I heard no background music, none of the gaming sound effects/dialog. This was corrected after the commercial break but otherwise nothing. Eerie to just hear the 'reviews' and none of the effects.

Psi-Ops: Mindgate Conspiracy PS2 & XBox 4 out of 5 stars
Front Mission 4 PS2 4 out of 5 stars
Hot Shots Golf Fore! PS2 **Previewed**
Galleon XBox **Previewed**

So, when is 'VR' Sexy Beach 3 coming out? *smile*

What's up with the fainting goats?

Posted by John Highway at 11:27 PM | Comments (6) | TrackBack

August 09, 2004

2004.08.09 The True Crimes of Morgan Webb...

If anyone can figure out what the True Crimes of Morgan Webb is -- sound off here. :) The best idea wins... What you win, I don't know yet?

First, let's get through the game reviews by Morgan and Adam from tonight's episode:

True Crime: Streets of LA PC & PS2 2 out of 5 stars

I would have to agree that the game needs major work. There should be no excuse that a game, taken from the console systems cannot be made better when ported to the PCs. PCs tend to have better graphic adapters, better sounds, better processors. The true crime is the game developers looking to make a quick buck by cashing in on the multiplayer niche. *POW* *POW*

From: Nick
Dear Adam and Morgan,
I have heard rumors of a game for PS2 called Starcraft: Ghost. Is there really such a thing, because I'm a really big fan of Starcraft and Starcraft: Brood Wars for the computer.

Response: it's been in the works for 2 years with yet another delay in its release.

Check out the Red Carpet pictures taken of Lady Webb while at G4's GPhoria Award 2004 Ceremony.

Posted by John Highway at 11:10 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

August 08, 2004

2004.08.08 G-Phoria (continuation)

Here are some more pics of Lady Webb at the G-Phoria Awards 2004 Post Show...

Posted by John Highway at 11:51 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

2004.08.08 G-Phoria After the Awards Special 2004

For those who didn't catch the Awards Special 2004 on G4TechTV -- you can catch a re-broadcast of the show on G4TechTV 4:30PM to 6:00PM US EST on Monday, August 9th 2004 -- but make sure to check your local listings for exact air-times.

Here are some of the screen captures from the 'After Awards' Special ... hosted by Patrick (not Patrick Norton) and Morgan Webb.

I want to thank "bharlan2002" at http://groups.msn.com/MorganWebbCountry for making these photos available -- taken at the red carpet entrance of G4 G-Phoria Awards Ceremony of 2004.

Posted by John Highway at 10:45 PM | Comments (8) | TrackBack

August 05, 2004

2004.08.05 Where did those 2004.01.26 screen captures go?

Originally posted: 2004.01.26 Spawn, Dragonball-Z, etc

I couldn't tell you what happened to those screen captures ... they simply disappeared. Well, maybe this batch will help make up for the missing set.

Posted by John Highway at 11:27 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

August 04, 2004

2004.08.04 New and Improved with more Screen Captures...

Originally posted on: 2004.01.21 DDR Ultramix, Gothic II, etc.

Now consolidated into three easily manage photoalbums:

Morgan has no money...

Dance Dance Morgan II

Posted by John Highway at 11:26 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 03, 2004

2004.08.03 Mo is No Trailer Trash...

Let me just say this right here, right now...

Lady Webb is no Trailer Trash That being said, the best trailer I think was the Squirrel trailer, Conker - Live and Reloaded, using the 'Terminator' theme.

Here today...

I <3 Morgan Webb: Conker - Live and Reloaded

Gone the next...

I <3 Morgan Webb: Conker - Live and Reloaded

Which is the best trailer? Sound off...

Posted by John Highway at 11:18 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

August 02, 2004

2004.08.02 Man Down! I SAY AGAIN, DING IS DOWN!

What happened to '3 new episodes' of X-Play a week?

Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament 2 PS2 3 out of 5 stars
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay PC & XBox 4 out of 5 stars
Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow XBox preview

If anyone is interested in getting him/herself a copy of Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow, please check out the link .. If I had an XBox, I would certain be getting it. I'm still playing Rainbow Six 3 for the PS2... I've finished the beginning and veteran mode, I'm going for the elite mode now.

Sorry for the delay in getting this entry out -- I hope this batch will please you.

Posted by John Highway at 11:07 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 01, 2004

2004.08.01 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas If you're looking to reserve a copy of this new game that's coming out in October, you now can... This site is making buying console games easy and at a discounted price. Why drive to the store, pick up this game (if available) and wait in long lines when you can simply reserve yourself a copy and have it delivered to you.

Posted by John Highway at 04:01 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack