August 31, 2004

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2004.08.31 New Co-Host to The Screen Savers

In case some of you haven't heard, they've selected a new co-host for the Screen Savers, Alex Albrecht.

In other news, G4TechTV Hyperactive will be starting up again. Starting September 6th, 2004, daily will be awarded and point leaders will be randomly chosen to win an Apple Mini iPod.

Watch episodes of X-Play (11:00PM EST) and Unscrewed (11:30PM EST) and play Hyperactive to earn points.

Posted by John Highway at August 31, 2004 03:12 PM | TrackBack

not even hyperactive will get me to watch unscrewed, I tried watching it again last night, wow that show freaks me out.

Posted by: topbob (from at August 31, 2004 07:36 PM
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