August 11, 2004

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2004.08.11 Kirby vs Billy Hatcher -- Who would win? Who would care?

Originally Posted: 2003.11.17 X-Play (Kirby, Billy Hatcher, etc.)

Evidently, Cat Schwartz will be attending QuakeCon 2k4 ... anyone else, who visits this site, going to QuakeCon? Fess up, now. Let me just say, bastards! *okay, got that off my chest*

QuakeCon 2004

Okay, confession time... I've found myself watching ... but only because Adam Sessler was on the show that I had happened to catch while flipping through the channels. Now, during the showing, Morgan calls asking what Adam was doing on the show. Adam played dumb and, of course, all the attention then turned towards "when they can get Morgan on the show." You can see where Adam stands in popularity. Dems women (Tina Wood and Laura Foy) are smart, they know who to bring on the show to get people to watch. So now, Morgan Webb might also be on next week's show. Check your local listings for and day and time.

I've added the show to my 'line-up' of shows to record on my DVR... whether or not I'm going to watch it for its contents, that's still up in the air.

Looking at this retro episode of X-Play and seeing her on the newer episodes, I have to admit, I really like Morgan with the red hair -- nothing wrong with her having the black hair she has now, but the red hair looks better on her. That's my opinion. Check out the screen captures and you decide for yourself.

And if you're into Billy Hatcher:

Posted by John Highway at August 11, 2004 11:12 PM | TrackBack

Do you have any of the pictures from her Maxim issue?

Posted by: Seppi (from at August 12, 2004 10:03 PM

I must admit I watch filter and sometimes

Posted by: Samurai X (from at August 13, 2004 02:20 AM

Seppi just check in the "girls of maxim" section, they have the pics.

Posted by: Janami (from at August 13, 2004 04:31 AM

G4TV is ok. I used to watch it now and then. Scott was great on the show. As far as I am concerned Laura acts like a wigga and Tina is a wigga wannabee trying to copy Laura. But they both have an excellent chemistry.

They aren't good at that. They ARE good at their show though.

As far as Adam and Morgan go. Everyone knows these 2 are the main reasons why G4TechTV is becomming popular. MOrgan is practically a tech goddess and her name is becoming excessively popular. Look at the posts on the XPLAY forum on site. There are MORE posts on XPLAY and TSS than ANY other show. More fans = more popularity = more money.

Posted by: shivadee (from at August 13, 2004 06:33 AM

This is like a dream come true... Morgan, Laura and Tina on the same show. Goofing around and having fun... seriously I think I've died and gone to heaven.

Posted by: bharlan2002 (from at August 13, 2004 11:22 AM

I must admit that she is pretty sexy, but adam is like, the coolest guy on all TV! I watch G4TechTV constantly and usually only pay attention when X-play is on. In fact, I think I should make a different website about HIM!!

Posted by: AndrewJ. (from at August 13, 2004 12:22 PM

I feel bad Adam doesn't get the respect he deserves.I love watching Morgan on xplay,but Adams been around since day one.Everyone treats him like Morgans' sidekick and that sucks.Remember gamespot tv?that was an innovative show at the time Adam should get props for that.

Posted by: maynard (from at August 13, 2004 04:02 PM

Favorite G4 show is Filter. Diane Mizota...oh yeah...and some of the Top 10s they do are cool. is an okay show. Some of the things they talk about catch my attention, but most the time it doesn't. Tina is a good looking girl though.

Adam is THE man!

Posted by: Winged VoX (from at August 14, 2004 09:42 PM

thanks for the links Creamy, didnt even know they were up on that site.

Posted by: redfusion (from at August 17, 2004 03:22 AM

Waht it is, is that G4TechTV is trying to use sex appeal to get more money.

Posted by: Shockley (from at September 12, 2004 01:44 AM
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