August 21, 2004

480 visits total | 2 visits today

2004.08.21 Sarah Lane Speaks...

When asked in an e-mail to Sarah Lane:

Hey Sarah,

It's great to see that you've got your webcam up and running again. Missed seeing yah and with the repeats playing on G4TechTV, how long before the first new episode air with the new location?

Who sent you those roses? Kevin?

She replied with:

Yep, roses from a Rose.
New premiere airs September 7th!

So there you have it folks, the official 'premiere' of the first Screen Savers episode -- check your local listing for exact time.

Posted by John Highway at August 21, 2004 03:47 AM | TrackBack

I just wrote a review of your site. It's cool.

Posted by: Maine (from at August 22, 2004 07:34 AM
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