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> Bypassing The Macrovision Dvd Copy Protection
Posted: Dec 6 2004, 03:16 PM
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I have a TV/VCR combination that the VCR part is broken. If I hook up another VCR to it, or a DVD Player, and try to watch a store bought (copy protected) tape or DVD, the
picture goes light and then dark, light and then dark, and really ruins the viewing experience. The only way I can watch DVD's that I rent from Netflix, Blockbuster, etc, is to copy them onto CDR with DVD Shrink, and watch the copy. (Thank you 321 studios!) Although doing it this way greatly increases my DVD collection (he he he), I am finding myself spending a LOT of money on DVD+R discs, copying movies I will probably never watch again.

Does anyone else know of another way I can just watch the movies without the constant fading in and fading out from copy protected media? I'm thinking there has to be some kind of filter that I could use?

"Rojo_Hayes" writes:

It sound like to me you just need an RF mogulater from some place like Radio Shake, that should solve your signal problem.

"George Ealem" also writes:

Yes, it is a RF modulator. In the first relay I want to correct what I said about using the Dimm Plug, it is now called the "S" Plug, which is the best way to connect the DVD to the TV. Dimm is an old term for the connection. To use the RF modulator it has one place for the cable input line and another for the DVD line. It is then pluged into an electrical outlet, then when you want to use the DVD you put your TV on either channel 3 or 4, then turn on the DVD and it automatically switch from the cable input to the DVD input.
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Posted: Dec 6 2004, 08:26 PM
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I was playing halo 2 the other night and the screens brightness kept going up and down, the plug in the back wasnt in tight, make sure its tight
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