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> Rumored New Military Draft...?, Feel free to discuss the topic here...
Tim the Slipperman
  Posted: Oct 17 2004, 04:03 PM
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In the past year there's been speculation that the US government may be considering bringing back the draft sometime next year to deal with the wars on Iraq and Al-Qaeda. Reportedly this new draft would apply to both men and women, ages 18-26, regardless of whether or not they either graduated from or are currently in college. Presidential candidate John Kerry has been accusing Bush of secretly supporting an idea of a new draft (despite public denial of this from Bush) and warns the idea could become a reality if Bush remains in office another four years.

Personally I'm strongly opposed to the idea of a new draft. It'd just be another freedom taken away from young Americans (they should have the right to choose whether or not they wish to be a soldier, not to be forced into a war against their will), and I'm pretty much unfit (both physically and psychologically) to be in the army anyway. If the government wants to force me into the military, they may as well send a couple soldiers to my door to shoot me dead -- it'll have pretty much the same outcome as if I was to be drafted, but at least that way my death would've been a lot quicker and much less painful...

Feel free to discuss and share your own opinions on the topic in this thread.

Tim (aka the Slipperman)
Posted: Oct 18 2004, 07:58 PM
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QUOTE (Tim the Slipperman @ Oct 17 2004, 04:03 PM)
In the past year there's been speculation that the US government may be considering bringing back the draft sometime next year to deal with the wars on Iraq and Al-Qaeda. Reportedly this new draft would apply to both men and women, ages 18-26, regardless of whether or not they either graduated from or are currently in college. Presidential candidate John Kerry has been accusing Bush of secretly supporting an idea of a new draft (despite public denial of this from Bush) and warns the idea could become a reality if Bush remains in office another four years.

Personally I'm strongly opposed to the idea of a new draft. It'd just be another freedom taken away from young Americans (they should have the right to choose whether or not they wish to be a soldier, not to be forced into a war against their will), and I'm pretty much unfit (both physically and psychologically) to be in the army anyway. If the government wants to force me into the military, they may as well send a couple soldiers to my door to shoot me dead -- it'll have pretty much the same outcome as if I was to be drafted, but at least that way my death would've been a lot quicker and much less painful...

Feel free to discuss and share your own opinions on the topic in this thread.

Tim (aka the Slipperman)

It would have to be passed by congress and we are far from being force to be having to make this decision. plus and for no reason at all i joined the army so this really doent appel to me be because i signed up for an 8 year enlistment so anyways have fun with this topic.
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<(^_^)> Kirby
Posted: Oct 19 2004, 02:11 AM
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i would have to agree with Tim the Slipperman we should be able to choose well thats what im sayin
PMEmail PosterMSN
Posted: Nov 14 2004, 12:06 AM
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QUOTE (narc @ Oct 18 2004, 07:58 PM)
QUOTE (Tim the Slipperman @ Oct 17 2004, 04:03 PM)
In the past year there's been speculation that the US government may be considering bringing back the draft sometime next year to deal with the wars on Iraq and Al-Qaeda. Reportedly this new draft would apply to both men and women, ages 18-26, regardless of whether or not they either graduated from or are currently in college. Presidential candidate John Kerry has been accusing Bush of secretly supporting an idea of a new draft (despite public denial of this from Bush) and warns the idea could become a reality if Bush remains in office another four years.

Personally I'm strongly opposed to the idea of a new draft. It'd just be another freedom taken away from young Americans (they should have the right to choose whether or not they wish to be a soldier, not to be forced into a war against their will), and I'm pretty much unfit (both physically and psychologically) to be in the army anyway. If the government wants to force me into the military, they may as well send a couple soldiers to my door to shoot me dead -- it'll have pretty much the same outcome as if I was to be drafted, but at least that way my death would've been a lot quicker and much less painful...

Feel free to discuss and share your own opinions on the topic in this thread.

Tim (aka the Slipperman)

It would have to be passed by congress and we are far from being force to be having to make this decision. plus and for no reason at all i joined the army so this really doent appel to me be because i signed up for an 8 year enlistment so anyways have fun with this topic.

dude im in the army as stationed with the 3rd id Ft. benning geogria, where might u be?
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Holy Dragon
Posted: Nov 23 2004, 04:45 PM
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The day im out of school i will be in the army.
PMEmail PosterAOL
Posted: Nov 23 2004, 07:43 PM
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i'm not gonna fight in a war i don't stand for
PMEmail PosterICQYahoo
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