September 03, 2004

915 visits total | 2 visits today

2004.09.03 I <3 Morgan Webb Forums

I Heart Morgan Webb Forums

I want to offer users who frequent this website a place to offer his/her thoughts about anything really. So, what the heck, let's put a forum board.

Heh heh... There is a section marked 'Stalkernation' which talks and deals with our Lady Webb. Now, the title of the category is just meant for fun... as that's how many people would perceive this website, don't go looking deep into its meaning . This section require validated members to access the full forums beneath this category.

There is also a section for people to post gaming information, Playstation, Microsoft, Nintendo, etc. There's already some posts. This section is open for everyone to read and members can post replies.

So, feel free to chat away here... voice your opinion ... but be respectful. I'm trusting that everyone here will behave :) .

Posted by John Highway at September 3, 2004 12:47 PM | TrackBack