October 14, 2003

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2003.10.13 X-Play

Well, I'm back from my hiatus (Las Vegas, Nevada) and I got some images from the recorded X-Play episodes from Friday and Monday to put on here. It's not that many images but it's something to get back into the groove of things.

These were from Friday's episode, a repeat review of games like The Hobbit:
Morgan Webb: 2003.10.13Morgan Webb: 2003.10.13

These were take from Monday's episode which reviewed games like Legacy of Kain: Defiance and Lethal Skies II:
Morgan Webb: 2003.10.13Morgan Webb: 2003.10.13Morgan Webb: 2003.10.13

Posted by John Highway at October 14, 2003 02:40 PM | TrackBack

Welcome back :)

Posted by: Shawn (from at October 14, 2003 04:23 PM

welcome back
excellent pictures like always

Posted by: Winged VoX (from at October 14, 2003 06:55 PM

welcome back, good sir.

Posted by: jesse (from at October 15, 2003 01:01 AM

someone is a little obsessed it looks like

Posted by: pr0teus (from at October 15, 2003 01:26 AM
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