November 02, 2004
502 visits total | 1 visits today
Might I ask who you voted for? And what do you think of the outcome of the election (and the next 4 years)?
Posted by: Amy (from at November 4, 2004 06:31 PM
I didn't vote for Kerry ... the outcome for the next 4 years ... it will start looking up. Hey, if it doesn't I won't for him next election.
hah hah hah
Posted by: Highway (from at November 4, 2004 06:54 PM
Didn't vote for Kerry huh? If you voted for Nader that's one thing, but if you voted for that idiot in the White House, well, that's your problem, and mine as well, very unfortunately.
(Sigh) The next four years are only going to get worse untill we get a president who is, I dunno, competent!
Posted by: suckaslice (from at November 6, 2004 03:22 PM
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