October 12, 2004

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2004.10.12 The Chaffed Cow Utter

"The Chaffed Cow Utter"

Perimeter reminds me of the movie, Starship Troopers with a touch of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.


Gmail Invite Codes Updates

I want to mention how popular the Gmail Invite Giveaway has been, so popular that the available invite codes in the pool is constantly drying up -- that's good news to users who don't have an Gmail account -- this is bad news cause there isn't enough going around.

The question has come up, "Where do I find the invite codes?" -- Not everyone is given the ability to invite user to have a Gmail account, but if you do get the ability, you should be able to find the invite link either on the left side or new the top of the browser. They keep moving that 'invite link'. The link color is usually red.

Sly 2: Band of Thieves PS2 4 out of 5 stars
Dynasty Warriors: Empires PS2 3 out of 5 stars
Amazing Island GCN 2 out of 5 stars
Perimeter PC 4 out of 5 stars
Test Drive: Eve of Destruction PS2 & XBox 3 out of 5 stars

From: Kenny
I heard that the new PS2 or PStwo or whatever it's called won't have the Hard Disk Drive. I'm a big Final Fantasy 11 Online fan.... does this mean I just spent $99 on something that's going to be useless?

Response: Apparently so, since it appears that Sony has dropped the development of games requiring a hard drive -- with the exception of Final Fantasy 11 expansion pack.

Of course, if you have the network adapter for the PS2, you need only purchase a harddrive (up to 120GB), which can be purchased on eBay for very cheap prices, and attach it to the original PS2.

Posted by John Highway at October 12, 2004 11:24 PM | TrackBack

ummm those two movies blew royally...hopefully they wont slaughter advent children like they did FF:SW

Posted by: Agacene (from at October 13, 2004 09:42 PM
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