October 28, 2003

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2003.10.28 X-Play (Dino Crisis 3 & Freedom Fighters)

Two games were reviewed on tonight's episode:

Dino Crisis 3 (XBox):
Freedom Fighters (GCN):

(warning ... warning 14! yup 14 images of Morgan Webb!!!! -- Enter at your own risk!!!!)

I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.28I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.28I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.28I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.28I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.28I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.28I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.28I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.28I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.28I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.28I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.28I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.28I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.28I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.28

Posted by John Highway at October 28, 2003 11:17 PM | TrackBack

I play freedom fighters I thought it look what braveheart to me.

P.s Is morgan Going to make music cd!!!!

Posted by: Aaron (from at October 29, 2003 03:00 AM

At last new episodes of, "X-Play". The folks at X-Play are right about the game, "dino Crisis 3".
As the ever so beautiful, Morgan says, It's looks so prreetty. But, the gameplay and the CAMERA sucks!! How can, Capcom (such a great in-game development house) whose first two Dino games for the PSONE be great, and this new release only for the XBOX mind you, be so disappointing? Tweak that DAMN camera, game test it for a few more months, hire oscar winning screenwriters! Okay, maybe not. One can hope. But at least make this a fun game to play. And not a overly frustrating and pull whatever's left of Adam's hair out, throw the disc out the window kind of game!

Okay, I kicked the soap box out of the way. Morgan looks so prreettyy.


Posted by: Vellion (from at October 29, 2003 04:11 AM

man, freedom fighters looks sweet.
it's been getting a lot of positive reviews, but i wanted to see how the gameplay looked before i pick it up. hmm, i will just make my brother buy it.

ps - highway, i ordered something from your cafepress store 3 weeks ago and it still hasn't arrived. just wondering.

Posted by: jesse (from at October 29, 2003 12:45 PM

Unfortunately, I missed this episode. :( BUT, thanks to Highways' fearless efforts, I get to see some pictures!!! Thanks a lot as always!

Posted by: Stone (from at October 29, 2003 11:13 PM
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