October 24, 2003

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2003.10.24 X-Play (Repeat - e.g. Chaser)

I Heart Morgan Webb: 2003.09.24 X-Play (Time Crisis 3, Chaser & Lionheart)

Yup, this is a repeat episode with the following X-Play ratings:

Chaser (PC Game):
Lionheart (PC Game): (for the first half of the game)
Time Crisis 3 (PS2):

I created another 'contact-like' sheet of our Morgan, but this one is 4 images x 6 images. There are also some other images of Morgan that was featured on Martin Sargent's Unscrewed at Comicon

This is image is about 177KB:
I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.24

Here's Morgan at Comicon with Martin Sargent (but we won't show him):
I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.24I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.24I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.24I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.24I <3 Morgan Webb: 2003.10.24

Posted by John Highway at October 24, 2003 11:15 PM | TrackBack

All I have to say is:

Pictures #14/15/16...DAMN! :) Nice work Highway.

Posted by: Stone (from at October 25, 2003 02:32 AM

Oh and a few more things: Morgan is indeed very cute on the last six pictures (Unscrewed segment). :)

Posted by: Stone (from at October 25, 2003 03:05 AM

Yes, that picture in the second column, fourth row is HOT.

Posted by: Kuru-sama (from at October 27, 2003 02:34 PM
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