October 21, 2003

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2003.10.21 X-Play (Rogue Ops, SWAT, Karoake Revolutions)

I'm totally excited for the release of the PS2 game Karoake Revolution by Konami -- I like to do Karoake from time to time, but I'm a closet karoake singer. *smile*

Rogue OPS looks good too.

So, for those that just visiting this site, this beauty is Morgan Webb:
I Heart Morgan Webb: 2003-10-21I Heart Morgan Webb: 2003-10-21I Heart Morgan Webb: 2003-10-21I Heart Morgan Webb: 2003-10-21

Rogue Ops for the PS2 with the kick and kewl ass x-ray shot (kick to the leg breaks the bone and a palm to the face):
I Heart Morgan Webb: 2003-10-21I Heart Morgan Webb: 2003-10-21I Heart Morgan Webb: 2003-10-21I Heart Morgan Webb: 2003-10-21

"... the fish I almost caught was THIS big..."

Actually, she was being stealthy with her finger pistols -- as an introduction to SWAT: Global Strike Team for the XBox.
I Heart Morgan Webb: 2003-10-21I Heart Morgan Webb: 2003-10-21

Morgan prepares herself to sing Girls Just Wanna Fun that was originally sung by Cyndi Lauper with PS2's preview of Karoake Revolutions:
I Heart Morgan Webb: 2003-10-21

I come home, in the morning light, my mother say when you gonna live your life right...
On momma dear, we're not the fortunate ones...
and girls, they just wanna have fun.. oh girls just wanna have fun.

The phone rings, in the middle of the night, my father yells what you gonna do with your life...
oh daddy dear you know you're still number one...
but girls they wanna have fun... oh girls just wanna have fun...

That's all they really want...
Some fun...
When the working day is done...

Oh girls, they just wanna have fun...
Oh girls, just wanna have fun...

Posted by John Highway at October 21, 2003 11:04 PM | TrackBack

girls just wanna have fun? haha.
that was pretty funny.

Posted by: jesse (from at October 22, 2003 09:54 AM

Yeah, Morgan was doing an awesome job! I mean, WHO KNEW?? :) Adam did a stunning job himself. LOL

Posted by: Stones (from at October 22, 2003 02:02 PM

Morgan actully doesn't have such a bad voice.
Adam, on the other hand should give up his day job...... Or should he?

Posted by: Vellion (from at October 22, 2003 03:50 PM

when she started singing...i ended up singing as well.
ah, Morgan...
the things you make me do.

Posted by: Winged VoX (from at October 22, 2003 06:42 PM

Yes, she is like the song Santana sang "Black Magic Woman" huh? LOL

Posted by: Stone (from at October 23, 2003 12:46 AM

Hell yeah she is great. Adam can probally do better than he lets us think. He was doing that on purpous.(Well who couldn't tell? lol) That game looks kinda fun but I bet it dosen't have any songs I like though.

Posted by: Jake (from at October 23, 2003 07:09 PM

Adam was doing that on purpose yes. LOL Good job though. I was thinking about picking up that game Jake. My sister keeps telling me, that we should probably get it and, fool around with it. But can't you download songs to it, if it doesn't have the jams you'd like to sing to? Now check it, if it's only a girl singer, GUYS cannot sing to this game (so relatively speaking, the games was targeted to Females, if the game inquires just one character), but if you do have a guy singing it (Tenor or Alto), then you could deal with it. Now me on the other hang, I sing Baritone. I dunno. Hope "FUEL" or "Nickleback" could be optional.

One MORE thing...MORGAN ROCKS!! :)

Posted by: Stone (from at October 24, 2003 12:38 AM

This is the best Morgan Webb site out there b/c it's always updated. I've never watched X-play before until 2 months ago, and now I am hooked on the show b/c Morgan seems cool and Adam Sessler is always so funny. Great pics! Morgan got me singing Girls just wanna have fun for 3 days now!

Posted by: Kimberly (from at October 24, 2003 04:26 PM

Those should never sing again, EVER!

Posted by: Lasersnail (from at November 16, 2003 10:14 AM
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