October 17, 2003

62 visits total | 1 visits today

2003.10.17 X-Play (Repeat Episode)

I Heart Morgan Webb: 2003.09.18 X-Play (Game Previews Only)

This is a repeat episode that's already been covered by link above.

  • Previews include:
  • Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
  • NBA Inside Drive 2004
  • RoadKill
  • Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
  • Freestyle Street Soccer

Posted by John Highway at October 17, 2003 11:18 PM | TrackBack

"We still don't know whos' Innocence we're Lamenting..."~ Morgan

Ain't she the cutest thing? :) LOL

Posted by: Stone (from at October 19, 2003 03:01 AM

cute comments like that just kill me.
bit of jaw dropping followed by a squeamish "aww...".
ah, Morgan...

Posted by: Winged VoX (from at October 19, 2003 11:02 PM
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