October 16, 2003

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2003.10.16 X-Play (Homeworld II, SOCOM II & et. al)

It's another new episode, but a new episode with some previous seen clothes of Morgan Webb. In this episode, Adam and Morgan reviewed the sequel Homeworld 2 and gave the game a rating of 4 out of 5 -- but if you're a fan of real-time strategy games, this game is not to be missed.

With the soon to be released SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs, the previews look very promising for fans of the original SOCOM. It's due for release in the holidays to come. Though this game does not come with the headset unit, you can use the headset unit from the original game.

NOTE: this game is not currently available in multiplayer mode.

Okay -- and now some eye candy.

Morgan Webb: 2003.10.16Morgan Webb: 2003.10.16Morgan Webb: 2003.10.16Morgan Webb: 2003.10.16

When asked "Which do you prefer, 'Games or Girls'? ... most chose 'Games' -- the question should have been, 'Which do you prefer, Games or Morgan Webb'?" I'm sure the results would have been much more different. Right, Morgan?
Morgan Webb: 2003.10.16Morgan Webb: 2003.10.16

A little peek at Morgan's "bewitching" skills at nose twitching. Me'thinks that Lady Webb needs more lessons with Miss Elizabeth Montgomery to make things happen with the twitching of her nose.
Morgan Webb: 2003.10.16Morgan Webb: 2003.10.16Morgan Webb: 2003.10.16Morgan Webb: 2003.10.16

Now, Morgan and Adam will be demostrating the preview game of WWE Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain. Morgan will be playing Hillbilly Jim and Adam as Golddust. However, Adam made the observation as to why those particular characters were chosen, because they FIT them best.

Do you see the similarities?
Morgan Webb: 2003.10.16Morgan Webb: 2003.10.16

Posted by John Highway at October 16, 2003 11:03 PM | TrackBack

Gah-lee, I missed this episode! Why? Cause I was over at another house watching a disturbing baseball game. I got a headache from that too! I wouldn't have gotten one if I was watching Morgan. :) :)

I'm gonna check my listings to see if they'll (you know they will) replay it.

Posted by: Stone (from at October 17, 2003 12:59 PM

stone, please tell me you didn't watch the boston game.

what a disapointing outcome to an excellent series! god, i hate the yankees.

Posted by: jesse (from at October 18, 2003 12:04 AM

I too...share in your angst Mr. Jesse. Pedro was doing so well!! And oh my goodness, all of a sudden, we're tied 5-5! ::sighs:: I mean, I honestly wanted the Sox to win, cause the Yanks have been to the World Series BILLIONS of times!!! AAHH!!!

But why rant? This is a Morgan Webb thing right?? I should go look at more pictures...and rest my aching mind. Why do I even bother with sports...I always get a headache.

Posted by: Stone (from at October 18, 2003 01:48 AM

Anywho, I finally saw the episode at 11:30 am today. :) And I didn't get a headache. Morgan looked as gorgeous as ever, and so yeah. Nothing more from yours truely. :)

Posted by: Stone (from at October 18, 2003 02:28 PM
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