October 15, 2003

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2003.10.15 X-Play (Bloody Roar 4, Fatal Frame 2)

As you know, last night's episode was a repeat -- so you could imagine my delight to see a new episode. There have been some nice new games that's been reviewed by Morgan and Adam and even some great previews.

I found the preview of Fatal Frame II quite fascinating and disturbing. Similiar to Resident Evil and Silent Hill, this game (based on the preview) will be the next great 'horror' game since Phantasmagoria. Can't wait for the game.

Speaking of "can't waiting", I give you Morgan Webb.

Here's Morgan in a nice red tank top:
Morgan Webb: 2003.10.15Morgan Webb: 2003.10.15Morgan Webb: 2003.10.15Morgan Webb: 2003.10.15Morgan Webb: 2003.10.15Morgan Webb: 2003.10.15Morgan Webb: 2003.10.15

Sorry, a small booty-call from Bloody Roar 4:
Morgan Webb: 2003.10.15

Morgan Webb has a problem with playing first-person shooter games (e.g. Halo) with Adam Sessler, she always loses.
Morgan Webb: 2003.10.15Morgan Webb: 2003.10.15

So, Morgan took it upon herself to get some training (hey! This is in Las Vegas, Nevada ... Nope, I didn't see Morgan there) and visits a shooting range.
Morgan Webb: 2003.10.15

"Girls with Guns" ... how sexy is that?
Morgan Webb: 2003.10.15Morgan Webb: 2003.10.15

Morgan kicked Adam's butt.
Morgan Webb: 2003.10.15

Posted by John Highway at October 15, 2003 11:09 PM | TrackBack


Now although we've seen the red top before, it's ALWAYS lovely right? :) She looks entirely mischevious however. Lol

Aww, poor Morgan keeps losing to Adam...

On we go to the shooting range! "Girls with guns...how sexy is that?" DAMN sexy my friend. (If only she had a shotgun ::sighs::) Then again, it kinda made me laugh when I saw her handling the machine-gun. Those pitiful short bursts :) Ah well, we still love her right? And to top that off, she beat Adam! YEAAH! (No offense to the brother Lol)

Oh yeah, I'm trying to get this MT thing together Highway, and I'm having some troubles. LOL

Posted by: Stone (from at October 17, 2003 01:00 AM
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