October 05, 2003

131 visits total | 1 visits today

2003.10.05 Happy Birthday, Morgan!!!

sarah. pic.

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Happy Birthday, Morgan Webb!
We LOVE you!!!!

Posted by John Highway at October 5, 2003 12:20 PM | TrackBack

YEAH!!! HAPPY B-DAY MORGAN! You know we LUUV YOU! LMAO! How old is she now, 25? I think so! WOO HOO! I was planning on sending her and the staff some re-mix of the original "Happy Birthday" song, but I wasn't able to get my recording software in time!!! :( :( Sad isn't it? BUT I did inform them, that in the event of my not recieving my goods, I'll send them Morgans' BELATED birthday present. :D I wonder if the staff threw her some type of party? Now THAT would be cool!

Again I say: HAPPY BIRF-DA-YEE!!

Posted by: Stone (from at October 7, 2003 12:56 AM

Yes, Happy belated birthday, indeed. I heard she had a real kickass bash in a cave with several rock bands playing. That's pretty sweet!! I'm sure she had a great time. I wonder if Adam showed up? Then people tossed him around like a ragdoll in the moss pit. That would've been a kodak moment. Oh, well. We can dream can't we?

Posted by: VELLION (from at October 7, 2003 06:38 AM
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