September 29, 2003

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2003.09.29 X-Play (Soul Calibur II, NFL Game Day 2004 and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III)

Morgan Webb and Adam Sessler review games such as the new Soul Calibur II, NFL Game Day 2004 and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III
Morgan Webb: 2003-09-29Morgan Webb: 2003-09-29Morgan Webb: 2003-09-29

For those that watch the show but don't know it, X-Play is now on weeknights at 11:00PM.

But before we go, here are some parting shots of Morgan Webb.
Morgan Webb: 2003-09-29Morgan Webb: 2003-09-29Morgan Webb: 2003-09-29Morgan Webb: 2003-09-29

Posted by John Highway at September 29, 2003 11:28 PM | TrackBack

Let me...tell you some words. I never thought too much about the denim jacket. But Morgan absolutely brings a new definition to "stunning" to it's class. :)

Hey, can you tell me what date those last two pictures originated? She looks 1/4 chinese on them I think. LOL

Posted by: Stone (from at September 30, 2003 01:18 AM

Hey, What's burning?
It's about time, Tech-tv broadcasts a brand, spanking new episode of, "X-Play"! Morgan, the always so spunky yet, beautiful co-host tries her hand at a playable demo of, "Rebel Strike" for the Gamecube. The level she was playing, Hoth level. (Was she even born when, "The Empire Strikes back" was released back in the summer of 1980?) Anyways, It was amusing to see her trot around on the, Tauntaun, almost getting crushed by a falling, AT-AT. Meanwhile, Adam was drooling on himself wanting to give a try on the demo, himself. What a major DORK!!

I know Adam is good at reviewing games. That's his job. But, does he have to be such a damn loser at everything else!! Why can't he just chill just for a moment. I'd like a different co-host, myself. I'm almost done with my rant. Why not have a celebrity co-host. Once a week. A tv or film star who has a REAL passion for games and states his or her opinions.

That's just my two cents. I could be dead wrong.


Posted by: vellion (from at September 30, 2003 01:54 AM

I don't know, man, I like Adam. He contrasts Morgan wonderfully. I can't see anyone else taking his place. That's just me. I could be wrong.

Posted by: Bill (from at September 30, 2003 02:12 AM

Well, there are a LOT of people out there that dislike Adam (I don't fyi.,) for some reason or another. However, they must understand the show is scripted, and yeah, he's just-- doing his job. Lol I agree with you Bill.

Posted by: Stone (from at October 2, 2003 12:14 AM

Hey! For those of you who don't know me My name is Jake. I've posted on many many Morgan sites. I just found this site today and I love it already!
I'm sorry but this is a little off the subject but Who has heard of ""? That site sucks! All they do is cut and paste Morgan's face onto... Well lets just say "stupid" pictures.
I've sent them hate mail just to let them know about how immature their site is.But all they do is send back dumb e-mails back. Ok, enough about that.I dont know what VELLION is talking about. I think Adam is awesome.He is really funny yet, serious about gameing at the same time.I totally agree with Stone and Bill. Ok im off to post on more Morgan sites! C ya! -Jake

Posted by: Jake (from at October 4, 2003 10:44 AM
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