September 25, 2003

41 visits total | 1 visits today

Renovations Completed..

Well, it's official: is now a stand alone website blog.

Posted by John Highway at September 25, 2003 12:17 AM | TrackBack

Congrats on the new site. Very lovely domain name. So far it seems to be a very nice collection of content, but not enough of a posting community (anyone besides Highway & Stone?!?!)
Anywayz, I've been a huge fan of Morgan's for a while, and I hope this site lives up to its potential!!

Posted by: yonderboy (from at September 25, 2003 10:46 AM

User participate is always welcomed ... :)

Posted by: HIGHWAY (from at September 25, 2003 10:53 AM

It's coming along. I've been checking back and forth on the new site for the past week. Not bad. I'm sure you guys are still working out the tweaks. I'm looking forward to seeing new content. I too am a big Morgan Webb fan. I got a chance to meet her last May at E3. (Nintendo booth) She's very nice. And better looking in person. I'll keep checking in often.


Posted by: vellion (from at September 25, 2003 01:37 PM

Alright then! Congratulations man, I visit this site EVERYDAY and I don't plan on stopping now (you can tell by my posts hmm? LOL), especially now that it's done. :)

Sweet Yellion! I hope to get a chance to meet her one day. I wouldn't mind if it be next year, or the next five. In the meantime, I'll just keep planning to travel over 1000 miles for that event to occur! :)


Posted by: Stone (from at September 26, 2003 12:27 AM
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