September 15, 2003

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2003.09.15 X-Play (The Hobbit)


Posted by John Highway at September 15, 2003 11:55 PM | TrackBack

Yeah, the hobbit game looks pretty good *cough cough* LOL Isn't it out now? Or do we have to wait a little later?

Now, LMAO nice pictures! And note shes' wearing that same pink top...somebody in the Techtv discuss boards was complaining about that. Well DUDE! It's a Video Game show! Do you HAVE to look different every time there's a new show? I dunno. She AIN'T Vanna White. LOL

Posted by: Stone (from at September 16, 2003 04:39 PM

If you have the link, please post it .. I wanna check it out.

Posted by: HIGHWAY (from at September 16, 2003 05:40 PM

Okay here it is. I got one comment in here by the name of Ninjaman16:


Posted by: Stone (from at September 17, 2003 12:50 AM
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