September 04, 2003

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2003.09.04 X-Play

Running: Repeat
Reviewing: Evil Dead (PS2), EVE Online: The Second Genesis (PC), Mercedes Worldwide Racing (X), Midtown Madness 3 (X)


Tonight's rebroadcast of the originally aired episode is rated TV-14, Morgan demonstrates the use of a bucket:


Morgan Webb's Poetry Corner:

Evil Dead the Game:

Chainsaw thrust in gut
Shotgun nestled in his eye
The red lotus blooms

Adam Sessler: That sounds like prison poetry.
Morgan Webb: Where do you think all the fan mail comes from!?!
Adam Sessler: Very good point.

From: ProfessorChaos, Queens Village, NY

Dear Adam and Morgan,
Your show is visual crack for me. Morgan, you need to beat Adam down so you can do the all RPG special. I'll send you some rope. I'm sure the camera crew will help you. Keep up the good work.


Posted by John Highway at September 4, 2003 11:54 PM | TrackBack

Yes, this was an interesting episode........

Posted by: Josh (from at September 6, 2003 12:06 AM
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