July 31, 2003
2003.07.31 Morgan De Toi
There's a place in Scottsdale, Arizona (supposedly) that sells Morgan Du Toi merchandise. I could make an inquiry from a friend that lives two hours from Scottsdale about obtaining more Morgan De Troi fashion.
Morgan, if you're reading this (just in case) ... tell me where I can send you a token of my appreciation for being ... well, for being you.
Email me.
Wow, Cat had a lot more comments on her weblog. Oh well, you're cool too!
Admiration/adoration is 0.05% of stalkation.
Hey Morgan! At the risk of sounding like a total uber nerd, thats awesome that you play videogames! You rock, just keep on being you, and X-play rules. Unfortunatley, its usually on when my parents are watching the glorious and boring news, and my T.V. doesn't get TechTv. Well, you and Cat are the coolest/hottest Tech girls ever, keep up the good work.
In the blink of an eye the one that began to fall down the slope of the earth is brought up in a modest home and begins to speak highly of those who sing the song of the dying peoples. It's a strange thing, in a strange world, that poeple who act on whims are the ones that we see most often and are most likely to be the important ones in our lives. It's a strange thing, in a strange world. So many come and go in our lives, most never to be remembered, but only tacked on as the afterthoughts until the day we realize that we need them close and wish they were closer to the point that we begin to fill the gap between seperation and togetherness. It's a strange thing, in a strange world.