Morgan Webb has an apt surname for a TechTV personality, but it's real. Her hair color, though, is another story. The 25-year-old video gaming show co-host has been blonde, brown, red, bright orange and pink. A die-hard Game Boy junkie -- she loves first-person shooters -- Morgan thinks it would be awesome to be digitized as a character in a video game "as long as I have control of the skin." By the way, the sexual tension between Morgan and co-host Adam Sessler on their "gaming asylum" is all in your imagination: they're just good friends. What's the appeal of girls in video games? "Guys like chicks," she quips. "The end."

Single or Married? I'm not married.
Mac or PC: You can't play that many video games on a Mac. I'd have two games that were released 10 years ago, so I am a PC girl all the way.
Web Bio: 25, 5'7", my eyes are chocolate brown. I'm pretty mellow. I really like animals but I'm miserably allergic to cats, which sucks because I like to hug them. I have a tarantula named Cruella.
Mr. Right: A smart man. That's my only criteria apart from good qualities people have, like intelligence and passion.
Are You a Nerd? I'm a nerd by my own definition, but I call my friends nerds, and I don't think it's mean. It just means you have passion and interest in a certain topic.
Favorite Website: I'm not a huge web surfer. I check or other public radio websites because they have great music simulcasts.
Favorite Video Game: I have been playing a lot of Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. The Game Boy is a perfect platform for RPGs because you can take them with you and "level up" whenever you have a few minutes.
Technology You Can't Live Without: My Game Boy. It's always nice to have something to play if I'm waiting in line at the post office.
Online Dating: I don't think there's anything wrong with it.
Do Tech-Savvy Guys Turn You On? Intelligent men are very sexy. Hella sexy.
How Much Time Can Guys Spend Online Before It's Unhealthy? He needs to go to work and pay his bills. After that, it's his own business. But if he's not bathing, that's something else.
If You Win, Will You Pose? People are going to have to vote for me and find out, aren't they?