December 11, 2004

193 visits total | 7 visits today

2004.12.11 Kreuk New Champion

Kristen Kreuk edges ahead of Lindsay Lohan to take champion title and out of a total of 159 votes, Kreuk takes 51.57% (82) of the votes. So, now, Kreuk will battle it out with former 7th Heaven and currently starring in a supporting role on Wesley Snipe's new movie, Blade: Trinity, Jessica Biel.

Let the battle begin...

Posted by John Highway at December 11, 2004 12:41 AM | TrackBack

Hey John, I'm glad you're still around (regardless of my prolonged absence). You know how much time Konsumes you? Oops, consumes you. I'll be checking back often so...sit tight and all that good stuff.


Posted by: Stone (from at December 11, 2004 07:58 PM
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