September 06, 2004

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2004.09.06 "Welcome to the Home of Adam"...

We're introduced to the inner saction of Adam Sessler's home, or more precisely, his living room. Unfortunately, I don't know they type of equipment they used because the quality, of airing from his living, wasn't all that good. Plus the were taping it from such a distance that I couldn't get any detailed screen shots of Lady Webb.

I find watching all the 'low-budget' special effects very amusing -- Morgan flying the X-wing and wearing the mask :)

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Speaking of Adam's toys, I loved the stuffed toy replica of the face hugger from Aliens. How freaked would you be to find something like that sitting on your bed after watching Aliens -- which, in my opinion, was the best action of the Aliens series. In line of being 'scary', Alien (the original) when I was really young... that scared the 'poop' out of me.

What movie do you is the scariest film to ever hit the silver screen -- how old were you when you watched it?

Like I said, I'm not very happy with this set only because they shot the whole episode from so far away.

Posted by John Highway at September 6, 2004 11:16 PM | TrackBack

Bad pictures of Morgan are better than no pictures of Morgan.

Posted by: Winged VoX (from at September 7, 2004 08:57 PM

Man, I was freaked out by those hand cuffs. Though i wouldn'tr mind seeing morgan in a pair of those...heh heh heh.

Posted by: Sorge (from at September 7, 2004 09:09 PM

if she was at my house u kno what would go down oh yea.

Posted by: Hot sAuce (from at September 7, 2004 11:58 PM

always good when u skin matches a greyish wall, wahtever still real cool people

Posted by: tlg (from at September 8, 2004 01:17 AM


Posted by: WEBBHEAD (from at September 8, 2004 01:58 AM

Morgan and handcuffs... mmmm :)

Posted by: bharlan2002 (from at September 8, 2004 09:00 AM
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