July 26, 2004

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2004.07.26 Japanese Resident Porn of Evil Boobs

Episode: Math Party

That title should make a good draw of webusers going through the search engines *hah hah hah*.

The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures GCN 4 out of 5 stars

I was amazed to find that there's actually a paperback publication of the same name: The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures.

From: Kevin
Dear Adam and Morgan.

I'm a 16 year old loser with no grace or balance, in other words: I'm perfect for DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION. I'm a male with long brown hair, and facial hair (I look like a cross between Jesus, and Charles Manson). I was watching X-play review a Star Wars game, when I saw a wookie dance. I video taped myself playing DDR and the similarity between myself and the dancing wookie is disturbing.

Great, can't wait to find this on the internet like Paris Hilton's infamous sex video tape -- okay, maybe not as much as strong following; who's to say.

Just so you know, tonight's episode is dedicated to Japanese ideals of FUN. Feel free to click on the image for a nice surprise.

I <3 Morgan Webb: 149 pics

Special Notification: Thanks to c*******[email protected], I'll be making sure that I set my DVR to record a new episode of Fresh Gear -- I've been told that Lady Webb will be on the show. If so, expect to find the screen shots available on this website -- and the streaming video segment available on the membership site. Check your local listing for the exact date and time Fresh Gear will be aired in your region.

Posted by John Highway at July 26, 2004 11:28 PM | TrackBack

I was checking the episode guide and tomorrow on Wednesday at 4:30 pm they're showing an ep that Morgan looked particulary good on, with a low cut blue top on.

Posted by: Janami (from at July 27, 2004 01:17 PM

I love this site!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: david rodriguez (from at July 28, 2004 01:28 PM

It has been Five months to the day since Morgan won the playboy.com thing. Are theys still going to do the pics? If anyone knows, please, for the love of God, email me!

[email protected]

Posted by: Zach (from at August 1, 2004 08:05 PM
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