January 12, 2004
85 visits total | 1 visits today
2004.01.12 Si Meter Skin correction
I Heart Morgan Webb: 2004.01.11 Si-Meter Skin (Morgan Webb)
I've made a little boo-boo (nothing big) but it's bugging me so I've repackaged the entire skin's thang and re-uploaded. If you've downloaded the version, please redownload and apply the new skin.
Again, you don't have to and it doesn't affect anything really, but it was didn't sit right with me. Check out the link above and redownload the skin zip file.
heh i didnt see any errors! it was perfect!! like morgan! ill dl the new 1 anyway, the only small thing wrong with the first 1 is the net meters.
Posted by: standarsh27 (from at January 12, 2004 10:15 PM
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