December 16, 2003
164 visits total | 1 visits today
2003.12.16 X-Play (Gotham Racing 2, Whiplash, Hobbit)
A quick summary of tonight's episode...
Project Gotham Racing 2 | XBox | |
Whiplash | XBox | |
The Hobbit | GC | |
Crash Nitro Kart | GBA | |
Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly | PS2 |
Why such a quick summary? You want to see Morgan don't you?
Morgan getting into the game of Project Gotham Racing 2 ... too into the game.
Parting shots of Morgan
I honestly think that is the most eutiful she has ever been on air.
Posted by: PirateMan (from at December 18, 2003 05:44 PM
so cute when Morgan was playing Project Gotham Racing
wonder if she really is a leaner...
Posted by: Winged VoX (from at December 19, 2003 12:27 AM
Naw, I WAS a leaner, but then figured out I couldn't be doin' that cause it really didn't help my thumb. LOL So yeah, I stopped. But she did a cute little "victory dance" when she won. :)
Posted by: Stone (from at December 19, 2003 01:35 AM
i like when she said to adam when she was playing Project Gotham Racing
morgan:shup! up! add least i won!
Posted by: damin (from at May 25, 2004 11:27 PM
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