December 03, 2003
2003.12.03 X-Play (X-CON)
Tonight's episode is a tribute to all the various GAME/COMIC/ANIME/COSPLAY CONs all over the world. I've personally been to one game-con during my college days. You see, I joined a school organization that practices in old medieval combats (Maryland Medieval Mercenary Militia - aka Markland) and in order to be steel qualified (the okay to fight with steel swords), I have to participate with simulated combats and demonstrations.
This demostration lasted for about 20 minutes in a very small meeting room but it was successful. We (those helping out) watched as the veterans flailed at each other with swords and shields. Anyways, the rest of the convention weekend was spent walking the grounds, staying up 16-20 hours ... getting social with the women there.
Well, the point being that watching the many episodes of Adam, Morgan and Martin visiting these conventions brought back the many memories attending this one convention. :)
Anyways, I didn't meet such a women in chainmail like the image you'll see behind the link -- there were others...
Do you have the captures from the previous episode? The one where she wears the blue top with the strings. Morgan looks great in anything she wears, but that blue top is killer.
i really like the 5th picture.
it's either the one before or after Morgan gives a kiss toward the camera...
Ah, yes! Morgan is so beautiful with her cat-like eyes. My Isis of my egyptian home in a past life. ;) I wish I wasn't so busy so that I could meet you at such a convention. Love what you've done with your site. Everyone is making so many changes that it nearly keeps a permanent smile on my face. Stay cool!
Don't know why, but "Abandon Ship" by Busta Rhymes fit so well with this section. Please don't ask, that's just how I do I suppose. LOL
Too bad Mogan didn't go to X-CON dressed up in an chainmail outfit, that would be a man's wet dream ;-)
thats first picture of that girl she is cute in the face but her body is too fat you can tell she don't take care of her