November 03, 2003

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2003.11.03 X-Play (Wrestlemania XIX, NBA Jam, NHL 2K4)

Tonight episode dealt with games, sports games -- yes, even Wrestlemania

Wrestlemania (GCN):
NBA Jam (XBox):
Grooverider: Slot Car Thunder (XBox):
NHL 2004 (XBox):

I <3 Heart Morgan Webb: 2003.11.03I <3 Heart Morgan Webb: 2003.11.03I <3 Heart Morgan Webb: 2003.11.03I <3 Heart Morgan Webb: 2003.11.03I <3 Heart Morgan Webb: 2003.11.03I <3 Heart Morgan Webb: 2003.11.03

Posted by John Highway at November 3, 2003 11:06 PM | TrackBack

Morgan looks sooo much better with longer hair

Posted by: Shawn (from at November 4, 2003 09:12 AM

camoflague (spell check) never looked so good.
anyone else gasp when she fell to the floor in the basketball segment?
aww...Morgan fall down...

Posted by: Winged VoX (from at November 4, 2003 10:22 PM

That basketball is bigger than her...

AHEM! Wow, Winged Vox is right. But you know what? It's a NEW TOP! Congrats Morgan. :)

Honestly, I kinda laughed when she fell though. Okay, it was wrong of me! I'm a big basketball fan, and it was just funny to see Morgan struggling against that bohemeth man. But I did go "Aww, poor thing." when she didn't get any of her jump shots in. Another funny thing was, she reminded me of a small child trying to dribble a basketball. LOL :)

Posted by: Stone (from at November 5, 2003 12:39 AM

Why is Morgan trying to play basketball? She probaly doesn't get much exercise, you know what I mean? But.. that outfit she was wearing was so freakin' hot.

Posted by: Lasersnail (from at November 16, 2003 10:27 AM
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